Sunday, October 1, 2017

31 Days, 31 Horror Movies VII: The Sequel to the First Film That Ignores the Previous Sequels

It's back! For the last several years I've used October as a personal Horror Film Festival, trying to make sure I watch a horror movie a day and then - because I'm not that bright - I try and write a little bit about it.

The first few years I did this as a thread on - a gaming site and messageboard that I've been a member of for a long time. A couple of years ago I started cross-posting here as well, and I'm doing it again this year! (Did I mention I wasn't that bright?)

So! The rules are back to basics this year, after spending much of last year watching recommended films.

1. It’s got to be a horror movie (straight sci-fi, thrillers and mysteries are generally out, though rules are made to be broken).
2. I have to watch one a day, but I might not get to write it up for a day or two.
3. No set watch-list. I’ll decide that day what I’ll watch (and I’ll take recommendations under consideration). The only exception is if I get an itching for a particular film and I don’t currently have access – I’ll plan around when I can rent/borrow/buy it.
4. I'm planning to do theme weekends again this year. Creature Feature is the staple, and we'll see what we can come up with for the others (last year we did New Zealand Horror Comedies as well as 80's Werewolf Movies.)
5. Probably should go without saying, but there are bound to be spoilers galore.

As always, these won’t be critical reviews for the most part – just rambling thoughts (though some critique may sneak in).

Should have the first reviews (it's a weekend, so it'll be a themed double feature) up later today!

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